

It's so insane that it's true.
You know that girl you said I'd meet?
Well, I've got something to confess.
She picked me up the other day.
Asked me if she reminded me of anyone;

I thought of us.

I just laughed and lit a cigarette,
Said, "that's impossible to do".
My life's become much simpler since.
It doesn't fluctuate so much.
Up and down. Back again.

But I'm still crying out for you.

I still think about you time to time,
Think about you lying there.
Those blankets always lie so still
Nothing breathes here in the cold;
Nothing moves, or even smiles.

I've been thinking of some suicides.

But there's bars out here for miles and miles,
I'll drink down my apologies.
Sorry for the every kiss
The every one you wasted back.
I think the thing you said was true

I'm going to die alone and sad.

The wind's feeling real and sharp these days,
Reminds me of you and it hurts me some.
I loved you once, and this girl is sweet.
I'll let you go eventually.
I never thought I'd feel so blue.

Fuck, Chicago I'm crazy for you.

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Oh, Mr. Pitiful. Who let you down?